Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Seems More like Christmas..?

It was weird. I thought that Halloween was all about the dressing up and running around and scaring people or doing weird things to freak out random passers-by...but maybe not. In Guatemala we really didn't celebrate Halloween, ya know? I guess I have some steretypical view of the holiday. From a college student's perspective, here's what I saw:

Most people weren't dressed up. Even a bunch of kids I saw had lazily thrown on a Buzz Lightyear t-shirt or something of the sort as a [lame] costume. When I heard stories about people going about trick-or-treating, it was basically a tale about how they went out, got a few handfuls of candy, and then found no other houses open or anything. I thought that was funny...Halloween only lasts until 8PM? I guess crime has really scared the American citizens into closing their doors early on the holiday. Makes me think of a movie...

Ah! Movies. I watched The Sixth Sense and Disturbia. They weren't really scary movies. More suspenseful, and nothing is wrong with that. I was just wondering what people's interpretations of 'scary' really were. Probably more along the lines of sneaking up behind people in the middle of a quiet scene and screaming in their ears, seeing as to how that happened only about fifty times during the two movies.

Then it truly struck: I went to The Haunt in Grand Rapids, MI, a haunted house set up inside this large warehouse. Was that amazing! Some friends from my dorm and I headed over and walked through, and every room had some kind of surprise awaiting. I had no idea what to expect, since it was $14 and all...murmur murmur...

Well I got quite a show. The guy in front was never the one scared; rather the three girls hiding behind each other in the middle were the ones picked on. I could feel the contentment of the actors in that haunted house rise when those girls screamed their lungs out as they scurried along helplessly. I never got scared, since everything jumped out before I even got there. I just beheld the sight of the girls yelping and jumping. Now THAT'S entertainment. XD

Happy Belated Halloween!